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2019 Statistical Summary of Internal Affairs Investigations

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during the calendar year 2019 revealed there was one (1) complaint/investigation conducted by this police department’s internal affairs function.  This single complaint/investigation involved only one officer

The figures below indicate the number of complaints investigated by the internal affairs function in 2019 is rather low as compared to the last eight-year history of our department.

2019: 1
2018: 3
2017: 2
2016: 3
2015: 3
2014: 3
2013: 5
2012: 0

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2019:

Administration: 0

Support Operations
• Criminal Investigations Unit: 0
• Conveyance Unit: 0
• P.A.C.T.: 0
• Boulevard Unit: 0

Field Operations
• Patrol Division: 1

This single allegation of misconduct investigated by the Internal Affairs Function in 2019 resulted in the below finding(s):

Unfounded: 0
Exonerated: 0
Not Sustained: 0
Sustained: 1

In addition to the above complaint investigated by the internal affairs function, the below information includes complaints handled that did not require internal affairs investigation.

Four separate complaints were received from citizens. Investigations determined that one incident could not be sustained and three incidents were unfounded.

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled 20,471 calls for service in 2019 as compared to 24,672 calls for service in 2018. This is a decrease of 4,201 calls.

The small number of complaints received in 2019, when compared to the number of calls for service, reflects a record of professionalism and exemplary service by the police officers of this department.

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