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Annual Internal Affairs Reports

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A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during calendar year 2023 revealed there were two (2) complaints/investigations conducted by this police department’s Internal Affairs function. These two (2) complaints/investigations involved two (2) different officers.

The below chart indicates the number of complaints investigated by the Internal Affairs function in 2023 remained the same as compared to 2022, 2021, and 2020.

2023: 2
2022: 2
2021: 2
2020: 2
2019: 1
2018: 3
2017: 2
2016: 3

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2023:

Administration: 0

Support Operations
Criminal Investigations Unit: 0
Conveyance Unit: 0
P.A.C.T.: 0

Field Operations
Patrol Division: 2

The allegations of misconduct investigated by the Internal Affairs function in 2022 resulted in the below finding(s):

Unfounded: 0
Exonerated: 0
Not Sustained: 2
Sustained: 0

In addition to the above complaints investigated by the Internal Affairs function, the below information includes complaints handled that did not require an Internal Affairs investigation.

There were three (3) additional complaints received from citizens. Investigations into these allegations resulted in one Unfounded disposition, one, Not Sustained disposition, and one Exonerated disposition.

The consistently small number of complaints received over the past nine (9) reflects a record of professionalism and exemplary service by the police officers of this department.

A review of General Order 2.5, “Internal Investigations” was conducted and there were no necessary updates or modifications.

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during calendar year 2022 revealed there were two (2) complaints/investigations conducted by this police department’s Internal Affairs function. These two (2) complaints/investigations involved four (4) different officers.

The figures below indicates the number of complaints investigated by the Internal Affairs function in 2022 remained the same as compared to 2021.

2022: 2
2021: 2
2020: 2
2019: 1
2018: 3
2017: 2
2016: 3
2015: 3

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2022:

Administration: 0

Support Operations
Criminal Investigations Unit: 1
Conveyance Unit: 0
P.A.C.T.: 0

Field Operations
Patrol Division: 1

The allegations of misconduct investigated by the Internal Affairs function in 2022 resulted in the below finding(s):

Unfounded: 0
Exonerated: 0
Not Sustained: 1
Sustained: 1

In addition to the above complaints investigated by the Internal Affairs function, the below information includes complaints handled that did not require an Internal Affairs investigation.

There were seven (7) additional complaints received from citizens. Investigations into these allegations resulted in seven (7) Unfounded dispositions.

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled over 27,000 calls for service in 2022.
The small number of complaints received in 2022, when compared to the number of calls for service, reflects a record of professionalism and exemplary service by the police officers of this department.

A review of General Order 2.5, “Internal Investigations” found no need for updates or modifications. However, it is worth noting the “Internal Investigations” policy/procedures were removed from the preexisting General Order 2.0 in November 2021. This was done primarily to make Internal Investigations a stand-alone General Order, while simultaneously making changes to accommodate the Police Officer’s Bill of Rights which was signed into law in 2021.

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during calendar year 2021 revealed there were two (2) complaints/investigations conducted by this police department’s internal affairs function. These two (2) complaints/investigations involved three (3) different officers.

The figures below indicates the number of complaints investigated by the internal affairs function in 2021 remained the same as compared to 2020.

2021: 2
2020: 2
2019: 1
2018: 3
2017: 2
2016: 3
2015: 3
2014: 3

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2021:

Administration: 0

Support Operations
Criminal Investigations Unit: 0
Conveyance Unit: 0
P.A.C.T.: 0

Field Operations
Patrol Division: 2

These allegations of misconduct investigated by the Internal Affairs Function in 2021 resulted in the below finding(s):

Unfounded: 1
Exonerated: 0
Not Sustained: 1
Sustained: 0

In addition to the above complaint investigated by the internal affairs function, the below information includes complaints handled that did not require an internal affairs investigation.

There were four (4) additional complaints received from citizens. Investigations into these allegations resulted in two (2) exonerated dispositions and two (2) unfounded dispositions.

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled over 25,000 calls for service in 2021.
The small number of complaints received in 2021, when compared to the number of calls for service, reflects a record of professionalism and exemplary service by the police officers of this department.

A review of General Order 2.5, “Internal Investigations” found no need for updates or modifications. However, it is worth noting the “Internal Investigations” policy/procedures were removed from the preexisting General Order 2.0 in November 2021. This was done primarily to make Internal Investigations a stand-alone General Order, while simultaneously making changes to accommodate the Police Officer’s Bill of Rights which was signed into law in 2021.

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during calendar year 2020 revealed there were two (2) complaints/investigations conducted by this police department’s internal affairs function. These two (2) complaints/investigations involved two different officers.

The figures below indicates, that although the number of complaints investigated by the internal affairs function in 2020 increased by one from 2019, the number of investigations is still within the norm of the number of investigations conducted over the last nine-year history of our department.

2020: 2
2019: 1
2018: 3
2017: 2
2016: 3
2015: 3
2014: 3
2013: 5

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2020:

Administration: 0

Support Operations
Criminal Investigations Unit: 0
Conveyance Unit: 0
P.A.C.T.: 0
Boulevard Unit: 0

Field Operations
Patrol Division: 2

These allegations of misconduct investigated by the Internal Affairs Function in 2020 resulted in the below finding(s):

Unfounded: 1
Exonerated: 0
Not Sustained: 1
Sustained: 0

In addition to the above complaint investigated by the internal affairs function, the below information includes complaints handled that did not require internal affairs investigation.

There was only one additional complaint received from a citizen. An investigation into this allegation determined the complaint was unfounded.

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled nearly 20,818 calls for service in 2020 as compared to 20,471 calls for service in 2019. This is an increase of 347 calls.

The small number of complaints received in 2020, when compared to the number of calls for service, reflects a record of professionalism and exemplary service by the police officers of this department.

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during the calendar year 2019 revealed there was one (1) complaint/investigation conducted by this police department’s internal affairs function.  This single complaint/investigation involved only one officer

The figures below indicate the number of complaints investigated by the internal affairs function in 2019 is rather low as compared to the last eight-year history of our department.

2019: 1
2018: 3
2017: 2
2016: 3
2015: 3
2014: 3
2013: 5
2012: 0

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2019:

Administration: 0

Support Operations
• Criminal Investigations Unit: 0
• Conveyance Unit: 0
• P.A.C.T.: 0
• Boulevard Unit: 0

Field Operations
• Patrol Division: 1

This single allegation of misconduct investigated by the Internal Affairs Function in 2019 resulted in the below finding(s):

Unfounded: 0
Exonerated: 0
Not Sustained: 0
Sustained: 1

In addition to the above complaint investigated by the internal affairs function, the below information includes complaints handled that did not require internal affairs investigation.

Four separate complaints were received from citizens. Investigations determined that one incident could not be sustained and three incidents were unfounded.

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled 20,471 calls for service in 2019 as compared to 24,672 calls for service in 2018. This is a decrease of 4,201 calls.

The small number of complaints received in 2019, when compared to the number of calls for service, reflects a record of professionalism and exemplary service by the police officers of this department.

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during calendar year 2018 revealed there were three (3) complaints/investigations conducted by this police department’s internal affairs function. All three (3) complaints/investigations involved three different officers. Two (2) of the investigations involved a single allegation of misconduct against the respective officers and one of the investigations involved multiple allegations of misconduct against the respective officer.

Below indicates the number of complaints investigated by the internal affairs function in 2018 is rather ordinary as compared to the last seven-year history of our department.

2018: 3
2017: 2
2016: 3
2015: 3
2014: 3
2013: 5
2012: 0

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2018:

Administration: 0

Support Operations
• Criminal Investigations Unit: 0
• Conveyance Unit: 1
• P.A.C.T.: 0
• Boulevard Unit: 0

Field Operations
• Patrol Division: 2

Of the three (3) allegations of misconduct investigated by the Internal Affairs Function in 2018, the following is a breakdown of the findings:

Unfounded: 1
Exonerated: 0
Not Sustained: 1
Sustained: 1

In addition to the above complaints investigated by the internal affairs function, there were three complaints handled that did not require internal affairs operation. Two separate complaints were received by citizens. The investigation found that both incidents could not be sustained. A third incident was self-reported and investigation found the incident to be sustained.

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled 24,672 calls for service in 2018 as compared to 22,187 calls for service in 2017. This is an increase of 2,485 calls.

The small number of complaints received in 2018, when compared to the number of calls for service, reflects a record of professionalism and exemplary service by the police officers of this department.

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during calendar year 2017 revealed there were two (2) complaints/investigations conducted by this police department.  Both complaints/investigations involved one officer. Both investigations involved a single allegation of misconduct.

During the calendar year of 2016 there were three (3) complaints and investigations. In 2015 there were three (3) complaints and investigations. In 2014 there were 3 (3) complaints and investigations. In 2013 there were five (5) and in 2012 there were zero (0) complaints investigated.

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2017:

Division / Unit
Number of Complaints
Administration Division
Support Operations
Criminal Investigations Unit
Conveyance Unit
P.A.C.T. Unit
Field Operations
Patrol Division
Boulevard Unit
Traffic Unit

Of the two (2) allegations of misconduct investigated in the three Internal Affairs investigations in 2017, the following is a breakdown of the findings:

Not Sustained

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled 22,187 calls for service in 2017 as compared to 23,238 calls for service in 2016. This is a decrease of 1,051 calls, or 5%.

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during calendar year 2016 revealed there were three (3) complaints/investigations conducted by this police department. Two complaint/investigations involved one officer while a third involved two. Two investigations involved a single allegation of misconduct while one involved two allegations.

During the calendar year of 2015 there were three (3) complaints and investigations. In 2014 there were three (3) complaints and investigations. In 2013 there were five (5) complaints and investigations and in 2012 there were zero (0) complaints investigated.

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2016:

Division / Unit
Number of Complaints
Administration Division
Support Operations
Criminal Investigations Unit
Conveyance Unit
P.A.C.T. Unit
Field Operations
Patrol Division
Boulevard Unit
Traffic Unit

Of the four (4) allegations of misconduct investigated in the three Internal Affairs investigations in 2016, the following is a breakdown of the findings:

Not Sustained

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled 23,238 calls for service in 2016 as compared to 19,813 calls for service in 2015. This is an increase of 3,425 calls, or 14.7%.

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during calendar year 2015 revealed there were three (3) complaints/investigations conducted by this police department. Each complaint/investigation involved one officer. One investigation involved a single allegation of misconduct. One involved two allegations and the third involved 16 allegations of misconduct. It should be noted that this third complaint/investigation involved misconduct that occurred over a six year period ending in 2014 but was discovered in 2015.

During the calendar year of 2014 there were three (3) complaints and investigations. In 2013 there were five (5) complaints and investigations.  In 2012 there were zero (0) complaints investigated and in the calendar year of 2011 there were seven (7) complaints investigated.

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2015:

Division / Unit
Number of Complaints
Administration Division
Support Operations
Criminal Investigations Unit
Conveyance Unit
P.A.C.T. Unit
Field Operations
Patrol Division
Boulevard Unit
Traffic Unit

Of the 19 allegations of misconduct investigated in the three Internal Affairs investigations in 2015, the following is a breakdown of the findings:

Not Sustained

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled 19,813 calls for service in 2015 as compared to 20,158 calls for service in 2014. This is a decrease of 345 calls, or 1.7%. (Note: The number of calls for service reported in the 2014 Statistical Summary was incorrectly reported as 23,146.)

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during calendar year 2014 revealed there were three (3) complaints/investigations conducted by this police department that totaled four (4) allegations of officer misconduct. One of the complaints had (2) two officers involved.  During the calendar year of 2013 there were (5) five complaints and investigations.  In 2012 there were (0) zero complaints investigated and in the calendar year of 2011 there were seven (7) complaints investigated.

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2014: 

Division / Unit
Number of Complaints
Administration Division
Support Operations
Criminal Investigations Unit
Conveyance Unit
P.A.C.T. Unit
Field Operations
Patrol Division
Boulevard Unit
Traffic Unit

An additional breakdown of the fact determination in each of the above Internal Affairs Investigations is as follows:

Not Sustained

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled 23,146 calls for service in 2014 as compared to 24,279 calls for service in 2013.  This is a decrease of 1,133 calls for service than received in calendar year 2013.

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during calendar year 2013 revealed there were five (5) complaints/investigations conducted by this police department that totaled eight (8) allegations of officer misconduct. One of the complaints had three (3) allegations of officer misconduct and another complaint had two (2) allegations of officer misconduct.

During the calendar year of 2012 there were no (0) complaints and investigations.  In 2011 there were seven (7) complaints investigated and in the calendar year of 2010 there were seven (7) complaints investigated also.

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2013: 

Division / Unit
Number of Complaints
Administration Division
Support Operations
Criminal Investigations Unit
Conveyance Unit
P.A.C.T. Unit
Field Operations
Patrol Division
Boulevard Unit
Traffic Unit

An additional breakdown of the fact determination in each of the above Internal Affairs Investigations is as follows:

Not Sustained

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled 24,279 calls for service in 2013 as compared to 22,622 calls for service in 2012.  This is an increase of 1,657 more calls for service than received in calendar year 2012.  This small number of complaints received reflects a record of professionalism and exemplary service by the police officers of this department.

A review of the Internal Affairs Complaints and Investigations received during calendar year 2012 revealed there were no investigations conducted by this police department.

During the calendar year of 2011 there were seven (7) complaints and investigations.  In 2010 there were seven (7) complaints and investigations investigated also. In the calendar year of 2009 there were three (3) complaints and investigations.

Below are the divisions of the police department and the number of complaints and investigations that each division received in 2012:

Division / Unit
Number of Complaints
Administration Division
Support Operations
Criminal Investigations Unit
Conveyance Unit
P.A.C.T. Unit
Field Operations
Patrol Division
Boulevard Unit
Traffic Unit

An additional breakdown of the fact determination in each of the above Internal Affairs Investigations is as follows:

Not Sustained

The Richmond Heights Police Department handled 22,622 calls for service in 2012 as compared to 22,363 calls for service in 2011.  This is an increase of 259 more calls for service than received in calendar year 2011. Due to receiving no complaints and investigations concerning the members of the police department, this reflects a record of exemplary service by the police officers of this department.