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Mission Statement

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Mission Statement

The Mission of the Richmond Heights Police Department is to promote and serve our community, to enhance the quality of life of our citizens, to respect the Constitutional rights of the individual and protect all who live, work and visit our city.


“Send Me”

The attitude of every officer in this command for which a call for police is answered, independent of how trivial or dangerous.

Organizational Values

R – RESPECT: We will do our duty to with respect for the rights and dignities of all we encounter; from the officers with whom we work to the citizens we meet.

H – HONOR: Richmond Heights Police Officers will never betray the badge, their integrity, their character, or the trust of the public. They will always have the courage to hold themselves and others accountable for their actions. They will always uphold the Constitution, the community, and the agency they serve.

P – PROFESSIONALISM: As professional police officers, each officer has a duty to adhere to the ethical standards of the profession and to place his/her responsibilities for the welfare of the citizens of this community above personal concerns while rendering police services.

D – DISCIPLINE: Richmond Heights Police Officers will stand tall, not because someone told them to, but because of the pride inside them. This determination and spirit does not leave the Officer and they grow into a confident individual ready to tackle tasks that others fear. They know the value of organization and know self-discipline is the first step towards leadership.