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CALEA Accreditation Public Comment Portal

CALEA is the Commission on Accreditation for Law Enforcement Agencies. The Richmond Heights Police Department first became CALEA accredited in 2008 and has remained accredited since that time.

In order to receive accreditation, the police department must submit to an annual policy and file assessment which are conducted by a client service manager off-site. Every four years, a site-based assessment occurs where CALEA assessors travel to the agency to determine if re-accreditation will be awarded. Each assessment includes reviews of written policies, procedures, actual practices, and inspection of city equipment and facilities. As one of the elite police agencies in the United States to have achieved advanced accredited status, the Richmond Heights Police Department takes our commitment to service and community to the next level. Our vision is to maintain the highest standards of excellence in all facets of policing. The department strives to be considered by our community and our profession as one of the premier law enforcement agencies in the nation.

CALEA Public Comment Portal
The purpose of this public comment portal is to receive comments regarding the Richmond Heights Police Department’s compliance with CALEA standards, engagement in the service community, delivery of public safety services, and overall candidacy for accredited status. These comments can be in the form of commendations or concerns. The overall intent of the accreditation process is to provide us and CALEA with information to support continuous improvement, as well as foster the pursuit of professional excellence. Please click the link below:

IMPORTANT: CALEA is not an investigatory body, and subsequently, the public portal should not be used to submit information for such purposes. Additionally, there will be no response other than acknowledgment of submissions; however, the information will be considered in context to its relevancy to compliance with standards and the tenets of CALEA® Accreditation.

Community Camera Program

The Richmond Heights Police Department is pleased to announce our new Community Camera Program.  This community policing program allows residents and business owners to register the locations and capabilities of their security camera systems with the police department.  We will only collect your information so that the police department may contact you in the event your camera system may have captured criminal activity.  The police department will not have direct access to your video feed.

To register your camera system, you may click the graphic above or select the “Community Camera Program” form from the “Online Forms” link at the top of the screen.


Panera Bread Wallet Theft

The pictured adult female suspect in this video clip stole a wallet from the Victim’s purse while she was eating lunch at Panera Bread located at Clayton and S. Big Bend on 08/05/2018.  If you can identify this individual, please contact the Richmond Heights Bureau of Criminal Investigations at 314-655-3610.


Recent Car Tampering

Between 08/23/15 at about 10pm and 08/24/15 at 7am, five vehicles were entered unlawfully. This occurred in the Little Flower and Hampton Park neighborhoods (see map below). In each incident, either loose change or nothing was taken. Also, a vehicle was stolen from the Hampton Park neighborhood during this time. Residents are cautioned to be more vigilant with the security of their vehicles. This includes not leaving valuable personal property in them, not leaving keys to the vehicle accessible and locking vehicle doors. As always report suspicious activity to police immediately.

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Be Aware of Daytime Burglary Scam

On March 4th, the Richmond Heights Police Department took a report from a resident in which someone posing as a tree trimmer occupied the resident while another person entered the victim’s house.

The two suspects were described as being hispanic males. One was in his 40’s, the other in his late teens.

Please remain vigilant and under no circumstances let a stranger inside your home. If you encounter a situation like this, please call 911 immediately.

Vehicle Thefts

On 11/14/14 between 8:00am and 8:30am, two vehicles were stolen from residents while they were left running, unattended.  The affected areas were YALE AVENUE and CLAYTONIA TERRACE.  The Richmond Heights Police Department continues to stress that even though the temperatures are dropping, please do not warm up your vehicles and leave them unattended.  These types of crimes are typically ones of opportunity.  Please don’t provide an opportunity to be a victim of an easily preventable crime.

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Beware of “Grandparent Scams”

Recently the Richmond Heights Police Department took a report from an individual who was a victim of a common type of scam, sometimes referred to as a “family emergency scam” or “grandparent scam.”

As explained by the Federal Trade Commission…

Scammers may pose as relatives or friends, calling or sending messages to urge you to wire money immediately. They’ll say they need cash to help with an emergency — like getting out of jail, paying a hospital bill, or needing to leave a foreign country. Their goal is to trick you into sending money before you realize it’s a scam.

For further information, please visit the FTC’s Family Emergency Scam webpage.